Sunday, July 17, 2011

money making ideals - fundedapp

Recently chance upon  fundedapps . The concept for the company  is brilliant. Basically if you a new ideal for application of smartphone or iphone and do not know how to develop,  the company will develop it and  provide 25% of the profit from the launched . £250 will be paid once the company willing to develop your brilliant idea into an App. The disadvantages is that every submission of ideal need to be paid £2. So do a google on the new concept before submission. The company should have list out the percentage of successful applications to build up trust on this company.

Side track, the concept could be use by  electrical appliances companies to leverage on the "brain power" of domestic mass to create new inventions. On the other hand, consumer who provided the ideals will be rewarded with their wish and monetize . I have not google if there other websites that provide such services for other industries. Who know it might be the next in thing for the web.

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